Summer is here, and with it come soaring temperatures and electricity bills. How can you keep your energy costs down while staying cool? You may consult an electrician or visit website here to get some tips on how to save energy in your home and business. Meanwhile, here are some ideas.
- Check the Filters. Dirty filters make it much harder for air to circulate, and also carry dust and grit around your home. Check your filters once per month and change them twice a year, or when they get really dirty. While you’re at it, you may also take this chance to have your AC unit checked in case an air conditioning repair is needed to improve it’s energy-efficiency.
- Change the Thermostat. Set your thermostat higher when you leave for the day, and turn it back down when you get home in the evening. A programmable thermostat can save you quite a bit of money in energy costs! After that, you should also check your wiring and faulty outlets. For that, you will need an electrician (get it here) like Xpert Electric / Outlet Repair. Visit and see if they can cater your area. Remember, the smaller the difference in temperature between the outside and the inside, the less work your HVAC unit has to do. If you need heating or cooling services, Landmark Air provides quality evaporative cooling, air conditioning, and heating services, see here how to get in touch with them.
- Escape the House. During weekends or other days that you’re home most of the day, find ways to escape during the hottest parts of the day. Movie theatres are great for this–think how dark and cool it will be! You can also try a visit to a community pool or library, or window shop at a mall or bookstore.
Use your Decor. Keep curtains drawn and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day, especially in windows that face the sun directly. Blackout curtains can help tremendously with heat. Ceiling fans will help circulate the air and let you set your thermostat up to 4 degrees warmer without a reduction in comfort!
- Talk to an HVAC Professional. Experts in air conditioning repair services can make sure your AC unit is working well. They provide appropriate service to make sure it’s up to the challenge of the summer. Another option would be to check out this review of Residential Electrical Services before you contact them so you can be certain they have a good history of jobs done correctly and on time. You can try it now and see the results!
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